# Main packages we will be using here are: # rvest, xml2 # rvest requires xml2, however you don't need to load it. # Find some useful resources/documentation on rvest below: # https://stat4701.github.io/edav/2015/04/02/rvest_tutorial/ # https://github.com/tidyverse/rvest # https://blog.rstudio.com/2014/11/24/rvest-easy-web-scraping-with-r/ # We will show you have to scrape and analyze some webpages using rvest + XML or rvest + xml2 # First, we need to load the required package library(rvest) # In the following examples we are going to walk you through the process of scraping # data from the web. What this means is, given a website, we will programmatically # extract information. This can be very useful if you need to build a dataset, # itemize difficult-to-copy-and-paste portions of a website, etc. # Let's get the data! # The first step in the process is to use a package to download HTML of a webpage # you want to scrape. Puppies are good, so let's scrape some information from # reddit. # The url of the website we want to scrape puppies_url <- 'https://old.reddit.com/r/puppies/top/?sort=top&t=all' # Let's download the html now using the read_html function from xml2 puppies_html <- read_html(puppies_url) # Let's take a look at the structure str(puppies_html) # This should look familiar # Great, the next step to scrape data is to figure out what # we want to scrape. How about we scrape the rank (1-25), # upvotes, and title for the top 25 posts (all of the posts on our webpage) # So, we have the 3 pieces of info we want to scrape. The next step is to # open up a modern web browser -- we will use Firefox for these examples, # but Chrome should look nearly identical. # Navigate to https://old.reddit.com/r/puppies/top/?sort=top&t=all # and right click on the number 1 (to the left of the first post) # and select "Inspect Element". This should open up an inspector in the browser. # You can see that the information we want is the value inside the tag # that has an attribute "class" with value "rank". If you hover your mouse over the # lines in the Inspector console, you will see that they highlight the objects # you are hovering over inside the webpage! Cool! # If you hover over the lines above your newly found tag, you will see that the # first post (including image, title, all the info, etc) is all inside the
# tag with a LOT of attributes (some include: id, class, onclick, data-fullname, data-score, data-rank, etc). # Attributes can be useful in identifying the type of data you are trying to scrape. # For example the "data-rank" attribute has the rank information we are looking for, # so we don't really even need that tag. I would almost guess that # any tag containing the "data-rank" attribute will be a
tag containing a post! # Sometimes just looking for patterns of organization in the webpage will help us # figure out ways to parse out the information we want from the HTML. Let's see if # we are correct in saying all tags with a "data-rank" attribute are
's # containing posts. post_divs <- html_nodes(puppies_html, xpath="//div[@data-rank]") # We found 25, exactly what we are expecting! Now # we can extract all the information we are looking for # for each node. length(post_divs) # Let's take the first post only and see how to get the rank, title, and upvotes. first_post <- post_divs[[1]] # Let's start with rank. Easy. rank <- html_text(html_node(first_post, xpath=".//@data-rank")) # Okay, let's take a look in the Inspector and see where the title is hiding. # As I hover over nodes inside the div, I see that a
# appears to contain the title and other information below the title. Let's see # where the title is inside that
. It looks like it is inside another
, # specifically,
. Now we are getting close! # I can see a

this must be where the title lives. Sure # enough, inside the

OUR TITLE IS HERE. # Let's review. We have our

node containing all of our information in our variable "first_post". # Inside first_post, we have a
, then
, # then

, then OUR TITLE IS HERE. # How do we get that title? html_text(html_node(first_post, xpath=".//a[contains(@class, 'title')]")) # There are a couple of things to explain here: # First post is our div containing all of our info for the first post. # .//a[contains(@class, 'title')] means from the context of our first post (.//), # find an "a" node (a) that has an attribute called class that contains # a value 'title' (contains(@class, 'title')). Note that class contains # many different values in addition to 'title', and the contains function # allows us to just see if the value we are looking for is within the attribute. # Let's get the upvotes. As usual, let's go back to the Inspector and see. # It looks like, within our first post div, there is another:
# Inside that, you can see a
. # Interesting! It looks like the raw value is in the title attribute. Let's get it. html_attr(html_node(first_post, xpath=".//div[@class='score unvoted' and @title]"), "title") # Note that this time we used the html_attr function to extract the value of the attribute "title". # Cool. Now let's see if we can get all 25 at once. html_text(html_nodes(post_divs, xpath=".//@data-rank")) html_text(html_nodes(post_divs, xpath=".//a[contains(@class, 'title')]")) html_attr(html_nodes(post_divs, xpath=".//div[@class='score unvoted' and @title]"), "title") # Not so bad! # To help with our analysis, let's store all the information in specific vectors posts_rank <- html_text(html_nodes(post_divs, xpath=".//@data-rank")) posts_title <- html_text(html_nodes(post_divs, xpath=".//a[contains(@class, 'title')]")) # In the same way 'contains' enables you to make sure an attribute has a value, there is another # function called 'not' that makes sure the tag doesn't have a certain attribute. posts_number_of_upvotes <- html_attr(html_nodes(post_divs, xpath=".//div[@class='score unvoted' and @title]"), "title") # Now, notice that the number of upvotes is being consider a character, but it is actually a number. str(posts_number_of_upvotes) # The same thing is happening with rank. str(posts_rank) # Okay, let's fix this! posts_number_of_upvotes <- as.numeric(posts_number_of_upvotes) posts_rank <- as.numeric(posts_rank) # Ahh, much better! # Having the data all together in a data.frame provides a better framework to do analysis. # This ensures we have everything tied together. So, let's combine the rank, number of upvotes and the title # from each post into a data.frame called puppies_df, df for data.frame. # Let's make sure our titles get stored as character, and not as factors by adding the argument # stringAsFactors = FALSE puppies_df <- data.frame(rank = posts_rank, title = posts_title, n_upvotes = posts_number_of_upvotes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Double checking is always important str(puppies_df) head(puppies_df) # Good, everything looks right! # Hm, I wonder if how long the title is has any relationship with how many upvotes the post gets. # Let's see if, for this data, we can find that out. Remember that in previous projects we had a function # to calculate the number of words in a sentence? We will use it below to get the number of words in the post's title. # In addition, to keep things tidy, let's make sure this information is stored in our data.frame. # First things first, we need to read in the count_words() function count_words <- function(x) {length(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]])} # This function works for one sentence, and it is not vectorized. Here is how we can double check that: count_words(puppies_df$title[1]) puppies_df$title[1] # Ok our function is working. Will it work for a vector of sentences though? count_words(puppies_df$title[1:2]) # Not really. So we need to use the sapply function to help us out! Now, let's actually count the words! puppies_df$n_words_title <- sapply(puppies_df$title, count_words) # We can explore this relationship in many ways.. # We can do scatterplots plot(puppies_df$n_words_title, puppies_df$n_upvotes) # Kind of hard to see a pattern in this scatterplot. What if we remove our two outliers? # Let's first find them! which.max(puppies_df$n_words_title) which.max(puppies_df$n_upvotes) # Removing the 2 outliers.. puppies_df_no_outliers <- puppies_df[-c(1:2),] # Looking at the scatterplot again plot(puppies_df_no_outliers$n_words_title, puppies_df_no_outliers$n_upvotes) # Doesn't seem to be an apparent relationship between number of words in a title and number of upvotes. # Let's try to quantify what we are seeing in the scatterplot. # How about if we look at the relationship using the correlation function cor()? # Correlation values are between -1 and 1. Values closer to 1 means positively correlated, that is, # as number of words in titles increase so does the number of upvotes). Values closer to -1 means negatively correlated, that is, as number of titles increase, the number of upvotes decreases. # Values of 0 mean no correlation. What would do you expect this number will be? Let's see.. cor(puppies_df$n_words_title, puppies_df$n_upvotes) # Some people may say that posts with a medium number of words actually get more upvotes. # Their logic is that medium lengths provides information, but not overwhelmingly so. # How about we take a look. To do so, we will create a function that, depending on the word count, # will classify a title into: small, medium and large. Here we will do the following cut off # number of words < 6 -> small title # 6 <= number of words < 12 -> medium title # number of words >= 12 -> large title classify_title <- function(title_length){ if(title_length < 6){ class <- 'small' } else if(title_length < 12){ class <- 'medium' } else{ class <- 'large' } return(class) } # Let's test our function to make sure it works, right? # classify_title(4) should return 'small' # classify_title(6) should return 'medium' # classify_title(12) should return 'large' classify_title(4) classify_title(6) classify_title(12) # Great! Let's use our new classify_title() function and sapply (to vectorize it) # to get our title classification. Again, we are keeping everything in our data.frame to # keep our data tidy. puppies_df$title_class <- sapply(puppies_df$n_words_title, classify_title) # One way to continue exploring the relationship between the length of the title and the number of # upvotes, is to see how the number of upvotes looks like for each class (small, medium, & large) # Let's calculate the mean number of upvotes in each class. # We will use the tapply function to help us do this! tapply(puppies_df$n_upvotes, puppies_df$title_class, mean) # Hmm, interesting. But let's make sure we have a somewhat comparable number in each class table(puppies_df$title_class) # or if we feel like we want to use tapply, we could do tapply(puppies_df$n_upvotes, puppies_df$title_class, length) # Yes, we do. Curious. Let's try looking at the median in case we have some outliers here. tapply(puppies_df$n_upvotes, puppies_df$title_class, median) # It looks like the outliers are driving our means. # Let's create some classes for the number of upvotes as well instead of looking at the # raw numeric values. Again, we begin by creating a function to classify the number of upvotes. # Let's assume number of upvotes measures the popularity of the post. classify_popularity <- function(upvotes_number){ if(upvotes_number < 1400){ class <- 'not so popular' } else{ class <- 'very popular' } return(class) } # Again, we are going to use the functions classify_popularity() and sapply(), and we will continue # to keep everything in our data.frame to keep things tidy puppies_df$popularity <- sapply(puppies_df$n_upvotes, classify_popularity) # Checking the distribution table(puppies_df$popularity) # Now let's compare the two popularity classes with the 3 title length classes my_table <- table(puppies_df$popularity, puppies_df$title_class) my_table # We can also use graphs, like barplots (the different colors are for each popularity) barplot(my_table, beside = TRUE, legend = rownames(my_table)) # Of course, these are just examples of how we can explore the relationship between these variables. # In project 07 you will have a chance to do something similar. Don't feel restricted by what we did here. # We are just trying to show some different approaches one can take when looking at this data. # Have fun!