Outside Event: PICLCoP #1 Teamwork Skills and Intercultural Competence (PD)

October 4, 2023
2:30 PM - 3:50 PM
SCHM 302


Presentation 1: “Developing Students’ Self-and-Peer Assessment Skills Using CATME: A Case Study” Presenters: Dr. Wanju Huang & Dr. Fred Berry In this presentation, speakers will share interventions to improve students’ self-and-peer assessment in an undergraduate capstone course. Students were required to use CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness) to evaluate their performance and their peers’ performance based on the CATEME five dimensions by using a rating scale and offering written feedback. A previous study found that students’ written feedback was not specific and focused on one CATME dimension. Instructional interventions have been implemented in the class to improve students’ written feedback since 2021. The data showed improved quality and specificity of students’ written feedback. Presentation 2: "Intercultural Activity Demo: Personal Agendas in Teamwork" Presenters: Dr. Laura Starr & Kelsey Patton Did you ever consider how personal agendas can impede teamwork? Do you have a personal agenda? Do our students? Participate in a short activity that will help you learn to mitigate the tensions that personal agendas may create.

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