Outside Event: Center for Early Learning Seminar

September 20, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
MRGN, 121, 201 Mitch Daniels Blvd, West Lafayette, Indiana


Dr. Andres Bustamante, Assistant Professor at the University of California, Irvine, presents "Playful STEM Learning in the School Yard and Community Spaces"

Children learn best in active, engaged, meaningful, and socially interactive settings, making play an ideal context for learning. This presentation will share findings and future directions from a series of projects that use developmental science to infuse everyday spaces (e.g., bus stops, grocery stores, school yards) with playful STEM learning opportunities. Findings will focus on caregiver-child conversation, interaction, and STEM learning. The presentation will also emphasize co-design strategies that invite local community members to become design partners, so installations reflect community values, strengths, and learning goals. The objective of these projects is to create scalable informal STEM learning installations in the places and spaces where children and families already spend time.

RSVP REQUESTED:  cel@purdue.edu


About the speaker

Andres Bustamante is an Assistant Professor at the University of California Irvine’s School of Education and directs the Social, iTerative, Engaged, and Meaningful (STEM) Learning Lab. He designs and implements play-based early childhood STEM interventions in places and spaces where children and families spend time. He maintains an intentional focus on translating rigorous science from the lab, into meaningful research in the classroom, and the community. Andres is invested in research that has practical implications for school and life success for children and families from underserved communities. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Advanced Education Research and Development Fund (AERDF), Heising Simons Foundation, and the American Educational Research Association (AERA). He was recognized by the Association for Psychological Science (APS) through their Rising Star Award for early career scholars. He is also committed to sharing and interpreting early childhood research with a broader audience through blog posts for the Brookings Institution, Psychology Today, BOLD Blog, and other media outlets.

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